a revolution for SIMPLICITY
ROBO-smartFLEX E80
ROBO-smartFLEX E80is our latest innovation on programmable bottle puck so called as "Bottle Smart Mover". The result from our innovation provides the personal care industries for achieving a near to zero format parts and near to zero downtime environment.
By applying magnetic bottle tracking system, it enhances the operations due to minimum maintenance requirement.
The line consists of various types of industrial robots and latest industrial instruments to reach the most user-friendly and intuitive operations.
ROBO-FEEDER E200 replaces the mechanical bottle sorter by simplifying the changeover process from mechanical to the digital via products' recipes.
By implementing 5 axis delta robot and incorporating with vision detecting system, the E200 could conduct bottle orientation by the robot itself. Thus, no external mechanical bottle orienter is needed.
The ROBO-FEEDER E200 is an open system, thus it is ready for connection on any type of the downstream bottling system.
Near to zero format parts and near to zero changeover downtime is the main character of this system.
ROBO-CAPPER E120 creation is for simplifying the manufacturing operations in cosmetics and personal care industries who are demanding an agile changeover and minimising the line downtime for maximising their production efficiency.
Integrating ROBO-SORTER E120 as one complete bottle capping system is putting this line as the most preferred system in the manufacturing industries.
Various type of plastic bottles and caps, starts from press-on cap, screw cap, pump cap till trigger pump cap could be managed by this system with gentle and precise within single digit minute of changeover time.
ROBO-SORTER E120 was innovated for accommodating the expectation from the customers who are expecting to have an agile cap sorter against the changeover and eliminating the necessity in having format parts.
By embracing the latest technology in terms of vision and robotic arms, ROBO-SORTER E120 could deliver the fastest changeover with near to zero format parts.
Various type of caps, starts from press-on cap, screw cap, pump cap till trigger pump cap could be managed by this system with gentle and precise.
Small machine footprint and direct integrated with ROBO-CAPPER is another advantage of this system compare to other available similar system in the market.
ROBO-flexLINE E80 was developed for cosmetic and personal care industries who needs an agile line in terms for format change and formula change which is achievable in a single digit minutes.
This system is adapting swappable liquid filling engine and ready for Cleaning In Place (CIP) or Cleaning Out of Place (COP).
ROBO-flexLINE E80 is accommodating a technology platform of 80 bottles/minute
ROBO-flexLINE E160
ROBO-fleLINE E160 has been in its debut for the world's first in robotic bottling system since year 2007 and receiving many compliments from the users in personal care industries.
Its simplicity in format change and less changeover time has been significantly adding an added value to our customers.
ROBO-flexLINE E160 is accommodating a technology platform of 160 bottles/minute
ROBO-flexLINE S40 is catering the demand from a high value product for household and petrochemical industries with filling volume ranges from one to eight liters.
The compactness of the design and easiness in operating of this system has been motivating the users to maximize the utilization of it by adding more bottle and cap applications into the Line.
ROBO-flexLINE S40 is accommodating a technology platform of 40 bottles/minute
ROBO-flexLINE S80 is catering the demand from a high value product for household and petrochemical industries with filling volume ranges from one to eight liters.
By implementing robot on its filling arm and capping arm, it delivers on the fly movement which is enabling a high flexibility while fulfilling the required bottling output.
ROBO-flexLINE S80 is accommodating a technology platform of 80 bottles/minute