a revolution for SIMPLICITY

be a part of
FG's winning team...!
We put great value on a working atmosphere based on opennes,
trust and respectful interaction with one another.
If you have an international background with global mindset and having interest for pursuing your future in robotic bottling system. Then, you could be as our winning team to lead the world by adapting innovation and revolution DNA in achieving manufacturing operations "Simplicity".
Do you have high motivation in exploring new things in new environment? If yes, then, you have all the possibilities to meet your wishes by involving yourself into domestic and international in the world class multi-national companies in FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods).
We are aiming for a multi-languages speaking personnel for accommodating our daily operations and communication within international community.
Able to deal with problem solving by logical and practical approach is the winning tools for you to deliver satisfy result to the customers and boosting our company growth.